A slice-of-life anime following a bunch of high schoolers. And have you met high schoolers? They're fucking insane.
Not only are they high schoolers. They're public high schoolers.
The school sits smack in the middle of a busy metropolitan area in a city made of haphazardly glued together skyscrapers and communication towers. Man I should actually draw out what the city looks like. The only time I've vaguely drawn it is the one where it showed the MCs here seeing that other guy get arrested.
The story focuses on the interpersonal conflict between the students as they learn to get along when they realize they'll have to in order to protect their school. Nothing like the common enemy of giant monsters in their city to unite different cliques together. Growing up within the walls of the second greatest military power on the continent (patent pending) was meant to provide safety from the those monsters, but the story takes place as that becomes no longer a guarantee.
The main POV character is the girl with the bug eyes, with her very normal friend serving as the deuteragonist. The structure of the story follows a slice-of-life while borrowing many elements from mahou shoujo. Arcs center less around what big monster needs to be defeated and more around building the friendship between all the characters.
The story opens with focus on