You know, in the span of time since I've last updated this website, a lot of what's written below isn't true anymore. aaaaa
My favorite meme is taking every OC I've ever had and stacking them on top of each other into the same universe. I am old now, and I'm still doing it.
So here are all the characters I'm still attached to that I've accumulated into something workable. And who knows! Maybe when I dig around my old art, I'll unearth another storyline I'll rework and add in. But for now, this is what I got.
Sometimes it's cyberpunk. Sometimes it's the starter town in a DnD campaign. Really just depends where you are.
Most of the casts focus on either demons or humans because I am an edgelord weeb at heart. But species are mostly separated by "world" in terms of the rules that they follow. For example, it's not exactly clear if the demon "world" is an entirely separate dimension or something perpendicular to the human world. It's important to distinguish, though, that monsters exist in the human world, as well. A class of fauna being particularly extravagant does not necessitate that it is a "demon". Arcane taxonomists don't have the sort of alignment in interests across sovereignties required to make something comprehensive. Something classifed as a "demon" in one city may not be a "demon" in another. And both of these labels could be incorrect, as many people don't like to think about the fact there are Other things out there as well.
Most "power" is separated between magic and tech. People haven't exactly figured out how to fully combine the two yet, mostly because it's a bunch of egos in a dick-slapping contest saying their form of power is better. At the time of the canon, no one fully understands how to replicate things such as currents or radios with magic. Conversely, no one has figured out how to use tech to create fifty-foot walls of ice in an instant or shoot fireballs. It's give and take. Smaller cities tend to rely on one or the other, depending on the tradition. Larger cities with the resources and manpower can utilize both.
Magic, as an objective term, specifically refers to the study of magic. It's a skill that anyone can learn. It just takes practice. Lay folk tend to group any non-tech phenomenon as magic. This can vary depending on how much their particular culture knows about either school. Grokk from your DnD starter town might think a TV is magic. Kennifer who takes the same train as you to work might think a demon pissing poison is magic. But a demon pissing poison is just a physical trait in the same way that some people have an eight-foot vertical leap. It is not something a demon studied to produce through magical means. That being said, some people have such a natural talent or attunement to specific magic, they don't need to study it for years like a nerd.
(There is also a large grey area between physical characteristics like the poison piss and magic like reading an incantation to shoot a fireball. There are so many one-off cases of different abilities from all species that it's difficult to properly group them.)
Any species can learn magic, but each one has its own take on it. Angel magic is different from demon magic is different from human magic. There does not yet exist hard science that proves whether one species can learn another species' magic.
Cuz they're too busy getting mad at each other.
On the topic of "power", no one species is "stronger" than the other. There is a misconception from humans that all demons are unstoppable monsters because the ones that make it to the human world tend to be the unstoppable monsters. But there is evidence that the average demon is no more destructive than a human. It's also very funny that people are getting mad about a demon being able to toss a car when there's high schoolers running around who can fly around and slice those same cars in half.
The main storylines are summed up below :) They are in chronological order of when they were created.
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[RD9] Read Full →
A kid gets possessed by a demon warlord nine-tails fox style (sealed up and only comes out in times of great distress). Two of said demon warlord's loyalest servants find their king's human host and vow to take care of him until something can be done about this situation. They may or may not accidentally adopt him. And the child is blissfully unaware that this kind of aligns him with lawful evil. Takes place across the entire continent as they are constantly traveling. Nine-year old Linn's baby. There exist hundreds of physically drawn comic pages of their story. Needs to be reworked.
[NDS] Read Full →
A naive teenaged girl escapes the orphanage she was safely raised in and finds an otherworldy thing chained up in a cave. Unluckily for her, he appeared to her as a silver-haired bishonen, and she's too smitten to realize he might be related to why they live in such a shitshow world, until it's too late. He's the nice one, though. His twin brother's actually evil-evil. And spending time with one of the shining beacons of human innocence might have softened the misanthropy a bit. Takes place quite a few decades if not over a century before any of the other storylines. As such, the geographical and political setting is not consistent with the rest of the storylines. Exists as a 100-page story written by 13-year old Linn. Needs to be reworked.[ND2] Read Full →
The direct plot continuation of the previous story. An angel(?) with a poor understanding of who or what he is sets off to find out what happened between the end of the last story and present day. He is vaguely aware he is a by-product of whatever occurred, and then he runs into a girl who can only be another by-product. She is the spitting image of her mother, except she should be at least fifty years older. Matters aren't helped by the fact that she remembers her parents, despite them having disappeared from the world at large, well, at least fifty years ago. The only one the angel(?) can trust is the woman who watched over his coffin before he awoke at the start of their story. This storyline is the core of the canon. The setting varies as they are constantly traveling. Exists as a few drawings and doodles in 13-year old Linn's school notes.[AGP] Read Full →
A girl in college with the power to read people's thoughts and feelings with a touch got some Thing(?) with the power to grant wishes attached to her at some point when she was a teenager. Who knows why some vaguely nefarious Thing(?) that can grant wishes would want to hang around with a girl who can tap into people's deepest feelings :) Now they and her best friend who can control plants live day-to-day while shit happens around them. The setting is the city that calls itself "The Capitol" (not everyone agrees with this moniker). Exists mostly as shitpost comics in middle school-Linn's art binder. Has already been reworked to fit this canon. The main girl was originally someone else, but she was too similar to another character. This resulted in the original MC being booted and replaced with this one.[HSY] Read Full →
A high school girl with freaky eyes and a literal light saber is joined by her very normal shy best friend in navigating the trials and tribulations of being anime high schoolers. On top of school work and crushes, they have to deal with insane student councils, a student body that can engage in Mortal Kombat toe-to-toe with the best-trained adults around, and fighting off the monsters that keep popping up. The plot is a slice-of-life turned up to eleven. The setting is mostly a public high school and the neighborhoods that surround it in The Capitol. Exists as doodles in high school-Linn's school notes. Didn't need to be reworked at all.[SCC] Read Full →
A girl was bonded with an otherworldly bird-like entity (she calls him Billy) as a young child. After this brush with the abyss, she spends her entire life studying magic. Now a learned young adult, she and the bird collect arcane artifacts that shouldn't fall into the wrong hands. This often runs them up against the big bads of the canon, who are exactly the wrong hands those artifacts shouldn't fall into. The setting is centralized in a quiet, arcane-powered town removed from the larger cities. Their excursions take them to different locales. Exists as a couple of doodles on twitter, but if I ever make a podcast, it would be this storyline.