I still want to write a journal breakdown of my trip to Canada and down to Texas, but Hawaii is fresh in my mind right now. I have a six-hour layover, and I want to use it.
I've only finished one flight, and I saw my friends earlier today, but I'm already feeling the post-con depression :( I know I'll see my friends later this year, because we plan to table together at a con; but it always sucks after having a splendid two weeks of having friends irl, and then they are gone. I hope this all feels a little less bad when I have more friends irl close to me that I can hang out with ;~;
Huge shout out to my friends for documenting this trip both in notes and on their IG stories. I was mostly ill for the first half of it and in a different dimension, so. Lol.
Alyza, Andrew, and I decided let's have a big vacation together. And who am I, if not vacations Linn. This has been the culmination of months of planning and many uphill battles. But god dammit, I was going to go on this trip or die trying. Emphasis on the die trying part.
I left for this trip in the middle of Enzy and I moving to a new house. I also left for this trip in the middle of having God's worse flu. Fav had it first, and she gave it to me as a treat. She had visited to help with the move, only for us to both get knocked to low efficiency with The Illness(tm). With all the moving, I wasn't really given the chance to heal lol. I was literally sitting up to sleep because if I laid down, I'd start coughing and be unable to sleep. It made it really difficult to help Enzy move. He is a real homie because he helped finish the move while I fucked off to Hawaii.
Throughout the airport journey, it was truly a situation of "I'm wearing this mask for YOU, not me." I was barely conscious for a flight that was probably ten hours, with the layovers included. My head was swelling from the inside-out, due to my insane congestion. I was snotty. I kept coughing. No amount of Robitussin or Sudafed could stifle the symptoms entirely. I looked like I was dying, and I felt like it.
My friends and I had the same last layover in Honolulu. We had different airlines, but we got to hang out a little bit before going off on our own ways. They got to see firsthand how shit I looked, and they fed me pity french fries to try to heal me. I had basically not eaten for the week before the trip because my congestion was so bad, my head and teeth pain prevented me from having an appetite. Also I kept coughing so much that I'd throw up, and I wasn't particularly keen on throwing up food on top of everything. The motto was "can't throw up if there's nothing in my stomach".
Andrew and Alyza got to Hilo before I did, even though their travel was over 24 hours jesus christ, and they picked up the rental car (Chevy Malibu). They also picked up some grocery store poke and a watermelon at my request. We found out that groceries are super expensive there, even compared to where we live. And we all live in relatively expensive locations. We did a lot of resting from our travels. I also had my horrendous illness to contend with. My Robitussin also blew up on the airplane, so I needed new cough medicine. Not at the moment, though. Big island Hawaii was very spaced out. It was basically a 30-minute straight drive to anywhere we wanted to go. Hardly any turns at all. I'm super glad we got the car.
The Airbnb we stayed at was a little house in basically a six-house street. I cannot overstate the amount of greenery and space around us. The air was also super moist because it is the tropics.
Our first island would be Big Hawaii.
I was still horrifically dying.
Alyza wanted loco moco, so we went on another 30-minute drive down a straight road to find a breakfast place. The portions were insanely huge. Like, we're all American, but the portions blew away our mainland asses. Andrew and Alyza got loco moco, and I got poke. I definitely could not finish it.
So dinosaurs are kind of a thing on Hawaii because they filmed parts of Jurassic Park there. After we got breakfast, we went to the 'Imiloa Astronomy Center. They had a lot of dinosaur and space things. There were many dinosaur animatronics. In general, the place was geared towards kids. Like you could color in your own dinosaur and then scan it into the machine to watch it walk around in 3D. It was actually pretty cool watching Andrew and Alyza color in 2D dinosaurs with crayons and then actually see the pattern reflected in the 3D model walking around the TV.
My favorite interactive exhibit was the one where you could build your own dinosaur skeleton with a bunch of bone parts laying around. We saw a kid build this insane dinosaur with two heads and were inspired to do so as well. Due to the fact that I was dying, I sat on the side while Andrew and Alyza built a three-headed, six-legged monstrosity that was all neck and hip and eternal suffering. It truly didn't ask to be born.
Then we went to watch a movie at the planetarium about the T. Rex. It was about three kids finding a teenaged T. Rex fossil that was in the middle of eating a duck bill dinosaur. The documentary footage was interspersed with information and animations about the T. Rex's life cycle. The T. Rex as currently imagined is a lot more chunky and stubby than the image I was presented as a child. It's become an absolute unit in recent years.
According to the notes Andrew made and Alyza's IG story, we explored Hilo a bit and went to the beach this day. A lot of my memory is unfortunately SHOT due to my illness, so hopefully Alyza and Andrew can help fill in my Swiss cheese brain more. I'll update this if I remember more.
I think this must have been the day that we went down to this market and got Viet food, checked out an antique shop, and Alyza got their mochi. I checked Alyza's IG stories, and they posted the mochi on 2/11 before we went up the volcano.
We found a little beach that was closed in with rocks. The water was not the typical warm Hawaii water you'd expect, but there were little children splashing around and I wasn't bouta let them be tougher than me. We all took turns going in pairs around on the water, while one person watched our stuff. It was super shallow, and the floor was mostly rocks. I got to laugh at Alyza screaming because they're sensitive to textures on their feet, and the gravel-plus-rocks combo was NOT pleasant for them lol
2/11 - VOLCANO
We spent all day at Volcanoes National Park!! We started out on the Devastation trail. It was a straight path up to the closest cliff to the spewing of the volcano. There were multiple stops to peek over the edge at the land scorched by the lavaflow. The trip was difficult for me, as my lungs were still weak. Thankfully, Alyza and Andrew were playing Pokemon GO and took breaks, so Linn could catch their breath. I also thought they were walking slower for my benefit, but they were doing this wack thing called "enjoying a leisurely walk". Once we got to the top, there was a Gym, and Andrew and Alyza put their shiny camerupt and Hisuian typhlosion there. The volcano cow and fire ferret got to sit at the top of the volcano.
Then we went down a lot and went into this naturey hole that led into a tunnel. It was very wet. The trees and grasses were beautiful.
Then we went on a different trail, the name of which escapes me :( It was a walk from one parking lot to another through a forested area that gave another POV to the land annihilated by the lavaflow. It was super cool seeing the fertile post-lava dirt spawn new trees. We walked back along the trail to get back.
We'd heard that the place got super cool at night, so we went and got food and supplies before coming back after sunset. And boy, did we hear right. Watching molten earth spew from the depths of the planet is fucking insane against the night sky. We low-key got lost in the pitch black darkness of a national park trying to get to one of the parking lots. But Alyza was super big-brained when they realized that we could use Andrew's camerupt as a waypoint back to the closest point to view the volcano. We made it back up there, and peeked over the edge nearest the pairkng lot. It was cool, but Alyza said to hold on a second - maybe if we walk all the way to the top, it'd be even cooler. It was pretty windy by this point, and I was pretty dying, so Andrew and I waited in the car while Alyza went to go check. They called us like two minutes later to get the fuck over to them.
From the higher vantage point, we could see active lava flowing down into the cooled magma. I'm not a good enough writer to describe things like being in awe of the power of nature. I also don't have good enough pictures, but after Alyza and Andrew upload their pictures, I could potentially come back and put in a few photos. I don't think a picture can really capture it either. I've seen documentaries and photos online, but nothing compares to seeing it in person. Standing up there, freezing our asses off, watching lava sludge itself lazily across a delta of literal fire. It's insane to even describe it as "lazily", because the destructive strength of it leveled a valley. The smaller streams of magma altogether looked like a city at night out of an airplane window. Andrew grabbed the beach blanket we used at the beach for babies to wrap around us and protect us from the wind. Andrew and Alyza told me it stank, but my sinuses were completely blocked and I couldn't smell it :)
We headed home after that. Back at the Airbnb, we started watching X-Men '97.
At some point on Big Hawaii, we went to Walmart and got a beach umbrella, flip flops, and touristy straw hats. I brought my real flip flops, but I was worried I'd lose them at the beach. I'll move this to the correct day if I learn what day it was lol
So now it was time to do the two hours drive to the other airport on Big Hawaii to fly over to Maui. It was like $30/ea cheaper if we booked the far airport from us. PLUS, this was the first time we'd be seeing the other side of the island. AND we got to wake up a lil later. At this point, I was well enough to drive if Andrew wanted to switch off, but he said it was fine. We drove through different types of nature going through the island.
At Kona airport is where we first encountered how strict Hawaiian airports are. The dude at the bag check didn't want me to bring my beach umbrella as a carry-on, and he marked Alyza's and Andrew's check-on baggage as overweight for being one pound over. Anyways, I still brought my beach umbrella through TSA, and they didn't give a shit lmao
We got to Maui and got our new car. It was... a Dodge Charger... Andrew was still driving it, and it oozed douchebag vibes. Absolutely miserable. Why did the engine need to go vroom to only go up to 30mph. Do Charger drivers really need their dicks stroked that bad.
The answer is yes.
After dropping off our stuff at the Airbnb, we went to our first real beach!! Beach good.
We went directly from the beach to dinner. A running theme for this trip is us being filthy tourists who just go to dinner in our swimsuits. Anyways, we thought it'd be funny to go to a pita place because Andrew comes from a culture with very similar food. It was actually pretty mid. We ordered hummus for appetizer, and Alyza asked for extra olive oil to make it a bit better. Andrew got what was basically a kofta burger. Alyza and I got pastas.
When we got back to the Airbnb, Andrew took off his shorts in the middle of hallway, and a bunch of sand fell out of his ass. He had to vacuum it up. Alyza and I took to using paper towels as ghetto indoor slippers.
It was honestly a pretty long day considering we also took a flight. We had an even longer day the next day, so it was important for us to get our sleep. Alyza and Andrew got the room, and I got the couch, which was very in-character for me.
I've been going at this for a few hours now, so I'm going to take a break. I'll delete this and continue if I go back to this before my flight. If not, I'll make a new post as a part two. Honk shoo mimimimi